Regional Accredited
- Most prestigious and widely-recognized type of accreditation. Regional Accreditors look at the institution as a whole through an intensive review.
- The American Board for Funeral Service Education (ABFSE) accredites the Funeral Service Program.
- Credits are accepted at both regionally accredited colleges and universities as well as single purpose programs.
- Qualifies a student to pursue a bachelors or graduate degree.
- Eligable for corporate tuition reimbursement
- Most regionally accredited funeral programs are at community colleges and state colleges and univerities which lowers the price significantly. Private colleges can vary in price and you should check with each instition for their price structure.
- Faculty are experts in their disapline (Funeral courses are taught by a funeral director, accounting courses are taught by an accountant)
- Funeral specific classes are with like minded individuals sharing an interst in funeral service, non-funeral courses (English, Business, Accounting, Grief....) have students from a variety of backgrounds providing a well rounded classroom where you can learn from other perspectives.
- Classes are usually more rigorous and teach all material under a given subject area inclusive of the material needed for licensure.
Single Purpose
- The American Board for Funeral Service Education (ABFSE) serves as a gate keeper allowing for the institution to seek federal financial aid.
- The American Board for Funeral Service Education (ABFSE) accredites the Funeral Service Program.
- Credits are not generally accepted/transferable to a regionally accredited college or university and are only transferable to other single purpose funeral programs.
- Does not qualify a student to pursue a bachelors or gradate degree.
- Not always eligible for corporate tuition reimbursement outside of the funeral industry.
- Cost may be significantly higher due to a smaller number of students paying the expenseses of the institition.
- Faculty are typically all funeral directors and embalmers with a few exceptions.
- Classes are with other like minded individuals sharing an interest in funeral service.
- Classes are typically more focused on what a student needs to know for licensure.
Not all programs that advertise a funeral program are accredited by the American Board for Funeral Service Education. In some states this may allow you to get a license, however in most states an ABFSE accredited program is required for licensure. Attending a non-accredited program in a state that allows this, will not allow you to get licensed in others states and funeral specific credits will not transfer to an accredited institution. The use of the word college does not designate a progam as regionally or nationally accredited and students should practice due dilligance in selecting a program. The American Board for Funeral Service Education has a directory of accredited programs on their website you can ensure the program. you are enrolling in is accredited by the American Board for Funeral Service Education qualfying you for licensure. All programs listed on the Mortuary Mayhem website are ABFSE accredited and those that are regionally accredited are noted with a designation in their description to help you distinguish programs.
Courses are offered in-person, remote via zoom, online or a combination of these attendance modalities
Tuition Free
Massachusetts Residents over the age of 25 pursuiing their first degree including transfering in courses from partially completed degrees qualify to attend tuition free.
- ABFSE Accredited Program
- NECHE Accredited College
- Dormatory Living
- Commuter options with parking and commuter rail access
- Low program cost
- Transfer options available